Posted on July 8: Registrar accepts post at OUAC

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”George Granger”]Registrar George Granger announced today that he is resigning his position at McMaster this summer to accept the post of executive director of the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC).
Effective September 2, 2003 Granger will begin his new post at the OUAC offices in Guelph. Reporting to the president of the Council of Ontario Universities, Granger will be responsible for the delivery of a centralized admissions application processing service for Ontario's universities. He will also oversee the development of the Centre's related policies, principals and procedures.
OUAC processes applications for all undergraduate programs as well as teacher education, law, medicine and rehabilitation sciences.
“George's insightful leadership has been instrumental to the advancements in managing McMaster's recruitment and admissions processes,” says provost and vice-president academic Ken Norrie. “His wealth of experience has contributed to the Registrar's Office implementing effective new systems to accommodate the changing needs of prospective and current students, including the special requirements of the double cohort era. George has developed strong working relationships with his staff and people at all levels and we'll all miss working with him.”
During his eight years at McMaster, Granger has overseen significant changes and challenges including improvements in the student registration process and related technologies, and expanding the communications to prospective students. He has also made a significant contribution to the University's strategic planning process and numerous other committee initiatives that lead to improvements for students and administration.
Raised in the Niagara region, Granger is an economics graduate from the University of Guelph. His career includes experience with the University of Guelph where he worked as an admissions counselor before moving on to Wilfrid Laurier University as associate registrar and director of admissions for14 years. Granger came to McMaster in 1995 as University registrar.
Granger has maintained numerous professional affiliations throughout his career including positions as past president of the Ontario University Registrars Association; past member of the Ontario University Council on Admissions Executive Committee, and Chair of its Committee on Admissions Practices Committee; and past member of Educational Testing Services (Princton NJ) Toefl Advisory Board.
“George is a strategic leader, communicator, diplomat, and the ultimate professional,” says president Peter George. “He has made an outstanding contribution to McMaster and we will greatly miss him as a key member of our senior management team. I have every confidence that he will bring the same professionalism and dedication to his new position at OUAC as he demonstrated throughout his time with McMaster.”
“It's very difficult to leave McMaster and many colleagues who have helped make my time here a wonderful experience,” Granger says. “Moving on to OUAC is a great opportunity and it seems like an exciting next step to build on the diverse experiences I have enjoyed at McMaster.”