Imagining the future of teaching and learning at McMaster

Following an external review of teaching and learning at McMaster held over the summer and fall of 2018, and in response to recommendations provided by external reviewers and the campus community, the MacPherson Institute began this strategic planning process to refine the mission and mandate of the Institute and to build its strategic plan.

Interim Director Lori Goff and Associate Vice-Provost, Faculty, Kim Dej are leading the process.

Building on consultations that contributed to the external review, this strategic planning has involved broad-reaching consultation with the campus community, public town halls and opportunities to contribute your vision of the future.

Three public town hall events took place at MacPherson last week, where attendees were taken through draft mandate statements and were asked to provide feedback.

In the interest of gathering as much feedback and community consultation as possible, the team at the MacPherson Institute is inviting you to complete a survey where you can engage in a future visioning exercise and offer some ideas and feedback.