
McMaster Pangaea 2019

McMaster University Student Centre

24/03/2019, 11:00 am - TO 24/03/2019 - 5:00 pm

Organizer: McMaster Pangaea

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McMaster Pangaea

McMaster Pangaea is the largest multicultural event at McMaster University. This is an annual event that takes place in the McMaster Student Centre (MUSC) and CIBC Hall where numerous cultural clubs collaborate to showcase their culture to students and faculty at the university, and embrace diversity. For one day, everyone can get together to celebrate  differences and have the opportunity to learn something new about different cultural histories.

This year there are a total of 16 cultural clubs participating in Pangaea.

There are two main parts to the day:

Performances: Each club takes over a stage and presents their culture through a unique dance, song or skit.

Pavilions: Each club has access to a room in either the 2nd or 3rd floor of MUSC to share their culture and traditions through food, music, games and clothing.

If you are interested in this event, please register for tickets here:

You can also purchase your tickets from Compass on the first floor of the Student Center!