Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at McMaster – A Discussion
Mills Library - RSVP for specific room location!
04/02/2019, 12:00 pm - TO 04/02/2019 - 2:00 pm
Organizer: Equity and Inclusion Office
Mills Library - RSVP for specific room location!
04/02/2019, 12:00 pm - TO 04/02/2019 - 2:00 pm
Organizer: Equity and Inclusion Office
We invite you to join a facilitated presentation and discussion!
What will we discuss?
Please join us for two separate but connected discussions with Dr. Arig al Shaibah, AVP Equity and Inclusion. For the first part of this special Network meeting, Dr. al Shaibah will present to and provide opportunity for feedback and discussion on McMaster’s newly emerging equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) efforts. Following this discussion will be a facilitated discussion about the Employee Accessibility Network’s current Terms of Reference and what “official” and “unofficial” roles the Network can play as a consultative and peer networking group for McMaster employees with disabilities. We are really looking forward to a good conversation!