Posted on Jan. 31: Cultural studies conference draws international scholars

More than 80 scholars and cultural professors from around the world will explore pop culture, media and social justice at the inaugural Canadian Association of Cultural Studies (CACS) conference Feb. 1-2.
This is the first such conference of its kind in Canada, according to CACS. “What happens at this conference will have significant bearing on new scholarship and on future directions of cultural exchange between the University and community at large,” says a press release from CACS.
The conference will include presentations, film screenings, roundtable discussions and panels on subjects ranging from the work of the Workers Arts and Heritage Centre in Hamilton to notions on crisis in the contemporary world.
Hosted by McMaster, the event takes place in the McMaster University Centre for Continuing Education in downtown Hamilton. The first Annual General Meeting of the CACS will also take place at the conference. At this meeting, the group will decide on the aims and executive structure of the organization and elect an executive for the year ahead.