Posted on Dec. 19: Dropping and adding courses just a click away

Undergraduate students dropping and adding courses can avoid lining up by just a click of a mouse.
SOLAR (Student Online Academic Registration), a new Web portal offered through McMaster University General Student Information (MUGSI), allows students to add, drop or cancel courses for the September 2002 to April 2003 academic session.
“SOLAR drop and add gives students ownership of their course drop and adds, and the convenience of being able to do course changes at the click of a button,” says Sue Pennington, project manager of the Student Self-Registration Project. “Students will be taking responsibility for making course selections that meet their program requirements. They are being advised to get academic counselling if they need it, and to check their personal Degree Audit Report after making changes.”
MUGSI is available off McMaster's home page at A seven-digit McMaster Student Number and four-digit PIN must be entered in order to use the site.
Eligible students can access MUGSI's SOLAR system from any home or on-campus residence PC, from available PC labs on campus, or from anywhere you surf the Web. For security reasons, the SOLAR system is not accessible from campus MUGSI kiosks'.