Posted on Nov. 28: 25-year employees inducted into Quarter Century Club

In 1977, 96 new faculty and staff joined McMaster University. Last night, they joined a special group McMaster's Quarter Century Club.
“In every decade, McMaster has grown and prospered,” remarked President Peter George to the staff and faculty who contributed 25 years of service to the University. “You saw it happen. In fact, you helped to make it happen. None of what McMaster is today would have been possible without the faculty and staff who dared to dream, to ask the right questions, to go above and beyond the call of duty to help a colleague or a student. You have all risen to meet the challenge, and the University is very grateful.”
About 20 more employees than last year were inducted, as a result of the University marking cumulative service. Introduced in 2002, the intent of cumulative service recognition is to acknowledge the total service of employees, including those who left the University for a time and then returned to continue their work.
Click here for a list of the inductees.