Posted on Nov. 14: New centre of excellence proposed for McMaster


McMaster University has learned that it will be a major part of a new centre of excellence on electricity which is being proposed by the Ontario government. Yesterday, energy minister John Baird announced a series of initiatives the Province will undertake as part of their action plan to lower hydro bills. The centre of excellence, also involving the University of Waterloo, was among the initiatives.

Mamdouh Shoukri, vice-president (research & international affairs) and a member of the Advisory Committee on the Centres of Excellence  a committee made up of industry, university and government representatives to provide advice on the operation and strategic direction of the centres of excellence program to the Minister of Enterprise, Innovation and Opportunity  says there has been talk of such a centre for some time.

Many of the details are still being finalized but Shoukri expects the centre will be based on the same model as the other centres which bring together universities, industry and government. “The Province has had great success with the existing centres and they are confident it is a winning formula,” says Shoukri. “All four centres  Materials and Manufacturing Ontario, Photonics Research Ontario, Communications and Information Technology Ontario and the Centre for Research in Earth and Space Technology  have proven track records.”