Posted on Oct. 23: McMaster ranks fifth on Globe and Mail university report card

McMaster is ranked fifth overall in a new “report card” on Canadian universities prepared by the Globe and Mail newspaper.
The University made the top five from a survey drawn from nearly 21,000 undergraduate students.
In specific categories, students ranked McMaster's bookstore first; course variety third; quality of education and university atmosphere fourth; and career preparation and financial assistance fifth. Complete survey results are available online at
Ken Norrie, vice-president academic, said the report confirms feedback the University receives from other surveys it conducts with students on a regular basis.
“This gives us yet another interesting snapshot of how students perceive their experience,” said Norrie. “I'm happy to note that undergraduates at a leading research university like ours are so positive about the teaching and learning culture we provide.”
Norrie said areas identified in the survey that received lower rankings, such as quality of technology or parking, have also been identified by the University for improvement.
About 120,000 students from the online community were invited to complete the survey. Twenty-nine universities, with at least 250 completed responses, are included in the ranking.