Posted on April 11: Tuberculosis health notice

This notice is to advise the McMaster community that a McMaster student was recently diagnosed with active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB).
The part-time student is now on medication under a physician's care and is no longer infectious. The student does not live on campus.
The City of Hamilton's public health and community services department is notifying those persons who may have had exposure to the individual and advising them to attend the public health TB skin testing clinics that will be held on campus.
Details about the clinics will be provided to people who were contacted by the Hamilton public health department. The testing procedure is a precaution as there is a low risk that anyone contracted the disease.
TB is not easily spread and those at greater risk must have had close, prolonged exposure to the individual.
Any students, staff and faculty who have not been contacted by the Hamilton public health department but are concerned about tuberculosis should consult the Hamilton public health department at 905-546-2063. For further information, contact the Campus Health Centre at 905-525-9140 ext. 27700.
For more information on tuberculosis, please go to the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care public information Web site at or the Health Canada public information Web site at