Posted on April 24: McMaster unveils Web content management system


Phase II of McMaster's Web site is ready to roll, says Peter Sutherland, dean of science and co-chair of the Web implementation committee.

“This phase includes the installation of a content management system (CMS) to help manage Web content most efficiently,” he says. “The launch of the CMS to the campus community will begin by the end of April. The new system will make it faster and easier for departments and faculties to keep their Web content current.”

Phase I of McMaster's Web site update was rolled out last September and included the redesign of the University's homepage and production of templates and a style guide.

Since then, many faculty and department sites have been updated using the new tools providing a consistent structure and navigation, and making it easier for users to find the information they're looking for.

A content management system allows a Web site to be maintained efficiently and keep the content current.

Features of the system include:

  • Content creation can be delegated without requiring special skills or extensive training
  • The system accommodates multi-user authoring when various people are involved in supplying content for one Web site or page
  • Updating Web content can be assigned to different people who may each be responsible for updating different sections of a site
  • Information can be prepared as time permits and then published' for a specific date or time
  • Information can also be automatically expired when the content becomes stale-dated
  • Throughout content revisions, the architecture of the site is kept consistent and it can integrate with other systems

“McMaster's CMS server was installed in January,” explains Alan Harrison, dean of social sciences and web implementation committee co-chair. Since then a pilot project was undertaken by CIS staff and representatives of several Faculties and administrative units. The pilot helped identify the many benefits of Content Management as well as some preliminary issues regarding switching over the “” designation from the current central web server to the new CMS server.”

“The technical requirements for the new system have highlighted the fact that we had a number of subsidiary applications that reside on the Web server and are dependent on the “” host name – MUGSI, software depot and several others,” says Heather Grigg, associate director of Computer Services. “We are working to remove the dependencies so that those applications can remain on the original server using a new name when the CMS server becomes the official “” site later this spring.”

CIS staff will be working closely with Web administrators to implement the CMS as smoothly as possible. This begins with information and training sessions for faculty Web administrators beginning later in April.

The Web implementation committee includes co-chairs Alan Harrison and Peter Sutherland, and members Fred A. Hall, associate vice-president academic; Phil Wood, associate vice-president student affairs; John Drake, professor of geography and geology; Heather Grigg, CIS; Patricia Harris, associate registrar student liaison; Jayne Johnston, associate director public relations.

Questions about the CMS may be directed to Steve Way, Web services analyst at or by phone at ext. 24170.