Posted on June 6: George Koblyk presented distinguished service award

McMaster alumni George Koblyk '60, will receive the McMaster Alumni Association Distinguished Award, the highest form of recognition offered by the Alumni Association to its members.
He will receive the award at the Alumni Gallery Induction and MAA Awards ceremony June 7 during Alumni weekend.
Over the years, Koblyk has held a number of volunteer positions with the McMaster Alumni Association, from holding committee meeting for his class' 25th reunion in his living room to representing the MAA Board of Directors on the University Senate.
Koblyk is currently a member of the Alumni Adventures in Continuing Education committee, and was a member of its predecessor, the MACE committee, almost since its inception. He is a creative, enthusiastic and vital member of the committee.
However, Koblyk has contributed to and continues to be involved with the MAA in a variety of ways. He has been an on-course' volunteer for every year of the McMaster Pro-Am Golf Challenge and has been either a member of the greeting crew, a reunion volunteer, or a golf cart driver every Alumni Weekend since 1995. Koblyk has also represented the MAA on the President's Teaching Awards committee, the Community Contribution Awards selection committee, and chaired the Stockwell Review Committee on Branches.
Perhaps Koblyk's most significant contribution to the MAA is how is able to create an environment of enthusiasm for McMaster. Several currents volunteers can credit him for their involvement with the MAA, including Scott Koblyk '92 and Liz Koblyk '98. Koblyk is an exceptional and remarkable volunteer and the McMaster Alumni Association is proud to recognize such outstanding service.