Posted on April 3: McMaster students approve building fee for new multi-sport/wellness complex

McMaster students have voted in favour of paying a levy that will support the construction of a new multi-sport wellness complex.
Full-time undergraduate students chose an option that will see them pay $2 per unit commencing in 2003 followed by $2.55 per unit commencing in 2006 and increasing to $4.45 per unit commencing in 2012. (The last increment coincides with the projected retirement of the McMaster University Student Centre levy ($2.59 per unit to a maximum of 30 units) that students are paying.)
“It's fantastic news,” said Sam Minniti, former McMaster Students Union president and student chair of the “Yes” vote campaign. “For most students it means $60 or less a year for a tremendous new facility.”
Athletics & Recreation director Therese Quigley said she was pleased with the results of the vote.
“We're excited about the possibilities of what we can provide to the McMaster community, especially in light of the access constraints and issues we've been managing,” said Quigley. “There's lots of exciting work ahead.”
A total of 1,450 students voted yes in the student-run referendum while 984 voted no.
Quigley said the next step is to form a users' committee to begin the planning process for the new facility.
The proposal for the multi-sport/wellness complex at the north end of the Ivor Wynne Centre calls for a triple gymnasia, indoor track, the Pulse fitness centre three times larger than it is today, new locker rooms, a wellness centre and an expanded sport medicine clinic.
McMaster students will contribute $20 million through the approved annual building fee per student and the University is contributing $10 million to this project.