Posted on April 7: Health Sciences Library reserve collection moved to Mills Library

Material from the Health Sciences reserve collection has been moved to the Mills Memorial Library circulation desk in order to make books, articles and audiotapes accessible to students restricted from entering the hospital during the SARS health alert.
Anyone wishing to use material listed in MORRIS as part of the Health Sciences reserve collection will be able to request it from Health Sciences Library staff working at the Mills circulation desk.
The Health Sciences Library has also set up a service where students can request to have material delivered to Mills Library.
Delivery request forms can be downloaded at A library card is required to sign books out. The loan period on short-term loan items during the SARS health alert has also increased to two weeks from five days.
Photocopy request forms can also be found at this site. Students can request a copy of one or more articles held in the Health Sciences Library collection to be delivered to the circulation desk for pickup. The charge is 10 cents per page and the fee can be charged to an account number, a student ID, or it can be paid by cheque, credit card or debit card.
Completed forms should be faxed to 905-528-3733, or sent via campus mail to: SARS Document Delivery, Health Sciences Library, HSC 2B. Copies of both request forms will also be available from HSL staff at the circulation desk in the Mills Library throughout the SARS health alert.
For further information or questions about any of these services visit or call the Information Desk in the Health Sciences Library at 905-525-9140 ext. 22327.