Posted on April 4: MUSA, University begin negotiations

McMaster University and the McMaster University Staff Association (MUSA) commenced negotiations Thursday for a renewal of their current collective agreement that expires June 15, 2003.
This was the first of 24 days that the respective bargaining teams have set aside for bargaining through the months of April, May and June. Both teams have expressed their commitment to working hard to achieve a new agreement that balances the needs of staff and the University and that reinforces their progress in building a constructive union-management relationship.
Fred L. Hall, dean of the School of Graduate Studies, is the chair of the University's team while Barry Diacon, past president of MUSA, who works in the Department of Engineering Physics, chairs the MUSA team. Also on the University's team are: Suzanne Crosta, associate dean of the Faculty of Humanities; Wilf Ward, director of the Office of Analysis & Budgeting; Susan Birnie, manager of the Department of Psychiatry; Alisan Noble, business manager of the Faculty of Science; and Murray Lapp, Judy Forbes and Stephen Fletcher from Human Resources Services. With Barry Diacon on the MUSA team are: Mina Dizdarevic, MUSA president, who works in the School of Business; Carmela Civitareale, who works in the Department of Pathology & Molecular Medicine; Debra Kigar, from the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences; Roxanne Wilson, from the Centre for Continuing Educaton at the Downtown Centre; Mike Groom, MUSA's executive assistant and Barry Fraser, regional representative, Canadian Labour Congress.
The parties have agreed on a number of protocols to assist the bargaining process, including a restriction on communications.
Due to the nature of the negotiations process it is important that bargaining occurs through the official representatives at the bargaining table. For this reason, the union and the University may keep their respective principals updated on progress but there will be a blackout of public communications while bargaining is underway.