Posted on Sept. 20: Retirees helped build a proud legacy


[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Retirees Reception”]McMaster was a much smaller place when Joe Laposa first walked onto campus in 1967.

Over the 35 years that followed, not only did campus grow, but so did his affection for the University.

“It is the people at McMaster that I miss the most,” said Laposa, who retired from McMaster's chemistry department this past July. On Wednesday, President Peter George formally thanked him and several other McMaster retirees for their contributions to the University.

“This is my opportunity to tell you how much I appreciate your work over the years and your commitment to our University,” George said. “It is also an opportunity for you to take a moment and reflect on your accomplishments. This is not a time for modesty. Your contributions have helped to build a great University.”

Approximately 120 staff and faculty who retired from McMaster between January 2001 and July 2001 were honoured for their years of service. The annual reception was held in Faculty Hall.

“This is a proud legacy,” said George, “and it is one that each and every one of you helped to create.”

Photo caption: President Peter George, left, talks with Willie Leigh, Department of Chemistry chair, and retiree Joe Laposa. Photo credit: Chantall Van Raay