Posted on Sept. 23: Shopping in the new student centre

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”University Pharmacy”]McMaster's University Student Centre offers more than your morning coffee.
It is also a place to get prescriptions filled, photos taken and travel advice.
Three new student-focused stores are located on the main floor of the MUSC, north of the food court.
The University Pharmacy, also located at the University of Western Ontario and the University of Windsor, is open for business. The pharmacy fills prescriptions and sells typical drug store items, says Lori Diamond, MUSC administrative director.
Jostens Photography, which offers studio photography, class rings, and graduation products, also opened recently.
Travel CUTS opens today, Sept. 23. The Canadian University Travel Service (CUTS), is owned and operated by the Canadian Federation of Students. Travel CUTS work closely with tourist boards, airlines and land product companies to offer affordable travel to students.
“For students, staff and faculty, it is great to have all of these clients available right on campus,” says Diamond, “but it is also a revenue stream for the student centre.”
Many of McMaster's student services are located in the MUSC. Other services include La Piazza, Union Market, Design & Copy Centre and House of Games. Click here for more information on MUSC occupants.
Photo cutline: Pharmacy technician Luba Rojenko, left, and pharmacist Anita Sahu, show off the University Pharmacy in the new McMaster University Student Centre. Photo credit: Chantall Van Raay