Posted on Oct. 9: Open forum challenges disability barriers

Many of the 300 McMaster students, faculty and staff who have a disability face barriers on campus every day.
McMaster's Centre for Student Development (CSD) wants that to change.
A disabilities awareness forum on Thursday, Oct. 10 will address disability issues that exist on campus.
“Many people on campus, when they think of disability and disability issues, usually think of just physical disabilities and wheelchair accessibility,” says Amber Rutherford, disabilities awareness co-ordinator with the CSD.
She hopes the panel will educate people about disabilities issues on campus and also inform people about their rights.
A panel of speakers, including students with visible and invisible disabilities and University representatives, will address questions such as, “What is your understanding of disabilities and disability issues on campus”, “Who is responsible for change”, and “what would a barrier-free campus look like to you?”
The audience will be invited to share their own experiences, ideas, insights and concerns and ask the panel questions, says Rutherford.
“We hope this will act as an avenue for students to contribute their ideas for the development of a barrier-free campus,” she says. “Hopefully people will take away with them an understanding of disabilities, that they will be aware of the daily struggles of students, faculty and staff with disabilities and of the supports that are available for people with disabilities.”
People are invited to sign up to be involved in a working advocacy group following the panel discussion.
The forum will be opened by Alan Shain, a comedian and disability activist, and concluded with a reception. The event takes place in the McMaster University Student Centre, Room 315 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.