Posted on Oct. 15: Chair in Aging puts issues of care at forefront of teaching, research

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”William Molloy”]Grant B. Walsh, president & CEO of St. Peter's, today announced the appointment of world-renowned gerontologist William Molloy to the St. Peter's McMaster Chair in Aging in the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University.
William Molloy, who will be working at the new St. Peter's Centre for Studies in Aging, located at St. Peter's Hospital, is internationally recognized for his contribution to research in aging. His responsibilities will include the development of academic programs related to aging and working with relevant organizations that are responsible for the care of older adults.
“I am thrilled to be working at St. Peter's; there's a great can do' attitude here,” says Molloy, who has authored several research studies, articles and books such as Vital Choices: Life, Death and the Health Care Crisis.
“This jointly funded $2-million chair appointment is important to both St. Peter's and McMaster University,” says Grant Walsh. “It puts issues associated with aging at the forefront of teaching, research and service in Hamilton, and will help to improve the lives of those entrusted to our care. St. Peter's is delighted to welcome such a prestigious researcher as Dr. Molloy to the St. Peter's family.”
John Kelton, dean and vice-president, Faculty of Health Sciences, says, “With a growing population of seniors, appointing an international leader in aging and health to this Chair demonstrates our joint commitment to research and education in this area.”
The appointment contributes to St. Peter's leadership in providing a continuum of service and care for older adults and the chronically ill.
Photo caption: William Molloy, appointed to the St. Peter's McMaster Chair in Aging in the Faculty of Health Sciences .