Posted on March 5: McMaster partners with City of Hamilton and Region of Halton to launch Golden Horseshoe Biosciences Network

More than 100 guests from the Hamilton and Halton business and research communities, along with representatives from municipal and provincial governments, attended a Golden Horseshoe Venture Forum Tuesday morning where a new Biosciences Network was launched.
The Golden Horseshoe Biosciences Network is an organization initiated by McMaster University, the City of Hamilton and the Region of Halton to bring together the area's biosciences research and business communities to foster the creation of a vibrant biotechnology industry.
Nick Markettos, senior advisor in the Office of the Vice-President (Research & International Affairs) says the timing is right for such an initiative. “Biotechnology and biosciences hold enormous promise for economic and social benefit and the creation of this network will allow us to move ahead together to increase research and commercialization activities in this area,” he said.
Keynote speaker Borys Chabursky, president and founder of Strategic Health Innovations, spoke about advancing the commercialization and development of biotechnology in the Golden Horseshoe. He told the audience that in order to compete with already established biotechnology clusters they would have to take advantage of the biosciences strengths and opportunities that exist in this region. “You have the resources but lack the links that will establish a cluster of innovation in biosciences in this area,” he said.
The first major event organized by the Golden Horseshoe Biosciences Network is a day-long conference planned at McMaster University on June 11, 2003.
BioSummit2003@McMaster will bring the scientific and business communities together to find opportunities for strategic partnerships and create an environment for collaboration.