Posted on Jan. 22: Environmentalist David Suzuki opens student engineering conference

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”David Suzuki”]Renowned environmentalist David Suzuki is coming to McMaster University as the keynote speaker for a student engineering conference that is focused on the theme of sustainability.
Members of the public, including area high school students, are invited to hear Suzuki speak on environmental sustainability on Friday, Jan. 31 at 9:30 a.m. The talk by one of Canada's most recognizable figures in environmental education will take place in the Ivor Wynne Centre gymnasium.
Suzuki's Web of Life talk is the keynote address for a two-day gathering of engineering students taking place at McMaster Jan. 31 and Feb. 1. The ninth annual Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Student Conference on connections between civil engineering and environmental issues will also include talks on sustainable communities by McMaster engineering professors Brian Baetz and Cameron Churchill.
Increasing students' awareness of the environmental impacts of civil engineering projects is the purpose of the conference, expected to attract up to 80 engineering students from six universities in Ontario.
“Sustainability is part of engineering and we are future engineers,” says conference co-ordinator Aaron Ward, a fourth-year civil engineering student, who invited Suzuki to campus.
The Department of Civil Engineering also plans to use the conference as a kickoff for an environmental engineering stream to be offered to second-year civil engineering students beginning next fall. The stream is intended to equip graduates with knowledge of municipal engineering, water quality engineering, water and wastewater treatment and environmental policy and sustainability.
Tickets for Suzuki's talk cost $15 for the public and are available in the John Hodgins Engineering Building, Room 201A, and at the Compass Information Centre in the McMaster University Student Centre or by e-mail at High school groups may obtain tickets at a group rate of $5 per person. For information on group tickets call the Department of Civil Engineering at 905-525-9140, ext. 24315.
For information about the student conference, please contact Aaron Ward at 905-529-3993 or