Posted on Jan. 31: Business appoints Wayne C. Fox Chair

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Wayne C. Fox Chair”]Yufei Yuan has been appointed the Wayne C. Fox Chair in Business Innovation.
The professor of information systems in the Michael G. DeGroote School of Business is internationally recognized for his contributions in eBusiness and in the general area of business innovation.
Yuan received his Ph.D. in computer information systems from The University of Michigan and B.S. in mathematics from Fudan University in China. His research interests are in the areas of mobile commerce, Web-based negotiation support system, business model of electronic commerce, approximate reasoning with fuzzy logic, matching problem, and decision support in health care.
He has published more than 40 papers in professional journals such as the International Journal of Electronic Markets, Internet research, International Journal of Mobile Communication, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, Management Sciences, Decision Sciences, Academic Medicine, Medical Decision Making, International Journal of Human-Computer Systems, Human Systems Management, among others. He is vice-president secretary of the Association of Chinese Management Educators and editorial board member for International Journal of Mobile Communication. Currently, Yuan is involved in Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council's Initiatives on New Economy and an Ontario Research Networks for Electronic Commerce project and serves as the member of advisory board for the Master eBusiness Research Center. His name is listed in Who's Who in Canadian Business.
Photo caption: Provost and vice-president academic Ken Norrie, left, and Vishwanath Baba, dean of the Faculty of Business, congratulate Yufei Yuan at a reception held to celebrate his appointment to the Wayne C. Fox Chair.