posted on April 3: CIHR Institute of Gender and Health scientific director visits campus April 5
McMaster University is hosting a visit with Miriam Stewart, from the University of Alberta and CIHR Institute of Gender and Health scientific director, on Friday, April 5.
The CIHR Institute of Gender and Health will support research to address how sex (biological factors) and gender (socio-cultural experiences) interact with other factors that influence health to create conditions and problems that are unique, more prevalent, more serious or different with respect to risk factors or effective interventions for women and for men.
The April 5 visit will involve a morning and afternoon program:
- Open Forum from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., in JHE 114A – Although intended largely for researchers who expect that their primary or
secondary research affiliations will be with the Institute of Gender and Health, this opportunity to meet and hear from Stewart is open to all.If you are unsure about the range of research covered by these institutes, please refer to the CIHR Web site above.
- Smaller group sessions with research groups, program/institute
directors, or department chairs, 11 to 12 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., (about 20 minutes allotted to each group), in HSC 2E3.For more information please contact the committee on scientific development, Faculty of Health Sciences, at ext. 22465. or