Posted on Sept. 26: McMaster struts its stuff

More than 60,000 prospective students will probe McMaster this weekend.
These students many of the double cohort will explore what McMaster and 19 other Ontario universities have to offer at the sixth annual Ontario Universities' Fair at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
“For some students, this is probably the only chance they have to see all Ontario universities in one location at one time,” says Bonnie Crocker, student liaison officer in McMaster's Office of the Registrar. “Hopefully the fair will interest students enough to come visit McMaster because our campus is a great selling feature.”
Representatives from across McMaster will attend the fair, including individuals from first-year programs, Department of Athletics and Recreation, Housing and Conference Services, The Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships, Admissions and Student Liaison.
“Over the three days we will have 183 McMaster faculty and staff representing 17 McMaster faculties and departments,” says Crocker. “One of the unique things about our booth is that we have representatives from all of our programs and services there to speak to students and this will allow us to have one-on-one contact with them.”
McMaster's 2,025-sq. ft. booth will also have laptops set up for students to request information on specific programs. Students who enter their name and address on reply cards on the laptops will have a chance to win one of six Toshiba Pocket PCs.
In addition, 40,000 year one handbooks will be distributed, Crocker says.
The fair is a great way for McMaster to reach students who have never heard of the University or Hamilton, she adds. “We get to meet students who may never have considered McMaster, or may not have had the chance to go to the McMaster sessions at their high school,” she says. “While most students are from Toronto, we'll see people from right across the province.”
The hours of the fair are: Friday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.