Posted on Sept. 24: McMaster at your service

As another summer came to an end, so did another busy season for Conference Services.
Wendy Read, conference co-ordinator, Housing and Conference Services, cites events held by the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC), the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE), and the Olympic Academy of Canada (OAC) as the highlights of a very positive summer for McMaster University. The SSC annual meeting and the STLHE conference, each of which hosted approximately 400 delegates, were very large events. States Read, “This year was bigger than last year. There were a large number of departmental events.”
Conference Services hosts events for a wide variety of organizations. “We offer it all,” states Read. “Accomodation, meals, meeting space, recreational facilities, computers, audio/visual equipment, parking. We can arrange attractions off-campus or deal with rentals for tents or buses for example. . . We can host a two-day workshop or a month-long event. We are really full-service.” Being able to offer such a wide variety of services adds to McMaster's attractiveness as a venue.
As well, the new McMaster University Student Centre brings an extra bonus for conference organizers. Offering hotel-like facilities for conference guests, the MUSC provides meeting rooms of all sizes, lounge spaces, and a banquet facility for 350 people.
Read particularly enjoys the variety of conferences. “It's very interesting,” she explains. “Each group is different.” At the OAC Conference from July 27 to Aug. 2, guests included athletes, coaches, students, academics, administrators, officials, health professionals, and past and present 30 Olympians. At the same time, McMaster was the home away from home for approximately 1,000 pilgrims who had traveled from Venezuela and Spain to participate in World Youth Day festivities in Toronto.
Conference services works closely with Tourism Hamilton, as well as many departments on campus. With a new office in McKay Hall, they hope that they will be even more visible to the campus community. Concludes Read, “Our goal is to bring as many visitors onto campus as we can, and to have all of our guests leave with a really positive experience.”
Anyone wishing to hold a conference on campus can contact Conference Services at 905-525-9140 ext. 24783 or