Posted on Oct. 30: Hamilton’s bid for 2010 Commonwealth Games includes McMaster

The City of Hamilton launched its bid today to host the 2010 Commonwealth Games, naming McMaster University as one of its partners.
Click here to visit the City of Hamilton's Commonwealth Games site.
“This is an exciting chance not only to work closely with the City to bring the very best to Hamilton, but also to create a legacy for McMaster,” says McMaster President Peter George. “The opportunity to transform our athletics facilities would greatly enhance our ability to attract the best students and faculty, and to provide world-class athletic centres for students, faculty, staff and the community.”
The University of Calgary and University of Manitoba are examples of other universities that have greatly benefited from hosting international sporting events, he says. “I firmly believe that a University that has ambitions to be a national and international leader must look beyond its own borders to find the opportunities that will help propel it to new heights of success. The Commonwealth Games are one such opportunity for McMaster.”
Hamilton is not alone in the race for the 2010 games. Halifax also plans to make a bid. The first step in the lengthy process is Hamilton's official entry, which happened today. Early in the new year the winner of the Canadian competition will be chosen, and that municipality will then proceed to the international round of competition.
The bid outlines a plan that would bring new and updated facilities to many parts of the City. For McMaster, it would mean a new stadium, an aquatic centre, and a multi-sport athletic complex. The athletes' village would also be housed at McMaster, using existing residences and other facilities.
If Hamilton is successful in the race, Hamilton's Commonwealth Games Committee, the City and the University will work closely together to ensure the games' success while addressing logistical and other issues on campus and within the neighbouring communities.
Click here to view a story about the City's $381.5-million bid for the Commonwealth Games in today's Hamilton Spectator.