posted on June 6: University Planning Committee teaching staff election continues to Thursday


The Board of Governors is holding an online election to fill three teaching staff positions on the University Planning Committee.

The online election began June 6 and continues until 4:30 p.m. Thursday, June 14.

Two teaching staff members will serve three-year terms from July 1 until June 30, 2004. One will serve from July 1 until June 30, 2002
to complete the term of a member who is resigning in order to go on research leave.

The nominated members are:

  • Virginia Aksan, Department of History
  • David Andrews, Department of Biochemistry
  • A. Leslie Robb, Department of Economics
  • Eric Sawyer, Department of Mathematics & Statistics

The two candidates who garner the most votes will fill the three-year terms and the third-place candidate will take over the term vacated by the Board member going on research leave.

The risumis, prepared by the candidates, may be viewed at the Board of Governors election Web site at

Voters can choose one of two options to cast their votes:

  1. If you have a personal identification number issued by the Human Resources department, you may use it for election purposes. This is the same PIN you use on the Web for viewing/updating your address information and gaining access to the CIS Software Depot. If you do not have a PIN, send an e-mail to be sure to include your employee ID number, surname, given names, birth date (month, day, year). If you do not have access to e-mail, you may go to the Department of Human Resources (Room 304, Gilmour Hall). Please note: it may take you a few days to receive a PIN, depending upon the number of requests being processed by the Human Resources department.
  2. You will be able to cast a ballot simply by entering the following information at the time of the election: your McMaster employee number, your surname and your date of birth.

Eligible voters who do not have access to the Web site may come to the Board of Governors office (Room 115, University Hall), between 9 a.m. and 12 noon and between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m., during the election period.