Instruction program introduces the Library to new students and faculty

Each September, the University experiences an influx of new faces. These include first-year undergraduates and new graduate students and faculty members. Eventually, most of them will find their way to one of the campus libraries and will need assistance to use one of the many print or electronic search aids.
McMaster's libraries – Mills Memorial, H.G. Thode Library of Science & Engineering, and the Innis Business Library – offer an instruction program which includes tours and hands-on training in the use of electronic resources.
At Mills, librarians conduct 45-minute sessions in a specially equipped electronic classroom where up to 30 students learn about the libraries and their services, and practice using the online catalogue and other electronic tools. Sessions can also be tailored to particular courses and professors are encouraged to arrange library instruction for their classes.
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Additional information about the Mills Library instruction program is available at For sessions at Innis, contact ext. 27385; for Thode, visit
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