Distinguished Hooker visiting Professor, March 23
The Faculty of Social Sciences welcomes Gary Evans, Elizabeth Lee Vincent Professor of Human Ecology, Cornell University.
Professor Evans is an environmental and developmental psychologist interested in how the physical environment affects human health and well-being among children. His specific areas of expertise include the environment of childhood poverty, children’s environments, cumulative risk and child development, environmental stressors, and the development of children’s environmental attitudes and behaviors.
Research Presentation:
The Costs of Adaptation
Human beings are among the most resilient species capable of withstanding an enormous range and variety of environmental demands. The eminent biologist, Rene Dubos suggested that our species pays a price for its facile coping strategies. In this seminar, Dr. Evans presents a model of psychological consequences of coping with stressors.
When: Thursday, March 23, 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Where: McMaster Innovation Park, Conference Room 1CD (Offord Centre Seminar Series)
Public Lecture:
The Environment of Child Poverty
Poverty is bad for children, but why? In this talk, Dr. Evans suggests that one of the main reasons for the harmful impacts of poverty on children is because of cumulative risk exposure.
When: Thursday, March 23, 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Where: Dave Braley Health Sciences Centre, 100 Main St. West, Auditorium. A reception with light refreshments will precede his talk.
Both events are free and opened to the public.
This visit is hosted by Health, Aging & Society; the Offord Centre for Child Studies; Sociology; Social Work; Social Psychology; Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour; Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences; Pediatrics; and the McMaster Institute for Healthier Environments.