Change to wi-fi service

McMaster Wi-Fi users may receive a warning message when they connect to either Eduroam or MacSecure in the next few days because the wireless SSL certificate used on Eduroam and MacSecure wireless is changing.

January 14, 2016 – Eduroam wireless
January 19, 2016 – MacSecure wireless

Clients may need to acknowledge the new certificate on their first connection after the update. Different operating systems present a slightly different message but the warning usually includes some or all of the following information:

Radius Server: wireless.McMaster.CA
Issued to: thawte SSL CA –G2
Issued by: thawte Primary Root CA
Certificate validity: 1/7/2016 to 2/16/2019
Server Thumbprint (Windows 10): ‎8d 88 fd eb 24 c2 7d f7 fa 84 00 e0 9d a5 eb 3b e0 b7 77 80