MIP wins AURP Emerging Research Park Award

McMaster Innovation Park (MIP) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded the 2015 Association of University Research Parks (AURP) Emerging Research Park Award at the AURP International Conference in Buffalo NY earlier today.

The AURP Emerging Research Park Award recognizes a park, in operation less than 10 years, which excels in moving technology from the laboratory to economically viable business activities.

In providing the award the AURP recognized MIP’s efforts in supporting innovation and commercialization by fostering a community of engaged companies, researchers, and business incubation and acceleration activities. MIP partners offer entrepreneurship mentoring, assistance with

IP and business plans, City permits and licensing as well as funding and research commercialization.

“MIP is creating a physical and virtual environment where entrepreneurs and researchers can flourish together – it is an essential piece of the Hamilton innovation ecosystem” states Zach Douglas, MIP’s President and CEO.

McMaster Innovation Park (MIP), located in Hamilton Ontario, supports research, engineering and technology startups, business collaboration with McMaster University, and colocation space for international soft landings. The site includes three sustainable (one LEED Platinum and one LEED Gold) buildings covering 480,000 sq ft of custom laboratories, offices and common ele- ments on part of 50 acres of brownfield.

The Association of University Research Parks (AURP) is a non-profit international organization, of research parks designed to promote research institute-industry relations, to foster innovation, and to facilitate the transfer of technology from such institutions to the private sector.

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