Migration to new email system continues

The big switch from UnivMail to MacMail is gaining momentum for McMaster email users with hundreds already converted.
The project, which aims to replace the UnivMail email and Oracle calendar systems by year’s end, is currently scheduling migration dates for departments and users who are still using UnivMail. Individuals who use both UnivMail and Oracle calendar are the next priority group.
Users will receive an email notification about their migration from the project team well ahead of their migration date. (Users who wish to migrate early should send an email with their MACID, first name, last name and preferred date, including day or night preference, to exchangeproject@mcmaster.ca .)
During migration, a user’s existing email on UnivMail will be copied over to their new Exchange account. Following migration, users have immediate access to their email via Outlook Web App https://macmail.mcmaster.ca . Email clients need to be reconfigured to find the new server. Typically, users experience only a minor interruption in email service during their switch.
Information on migration preparation, along with a wealth of learning resources and other information about MacMail, is located on the project’s web page http://macmailhelp.mcmaster.ca
Questions and requests for additional information should be directed to: exchangeproject@mcmaster.ca
About MacMail
The new system , called “MacMail,” will use Microsoft Exchange Server, a calendaring, e-mail and contact management server. It will be compatible with many common email clients, but will offer additional functionality to those who access it through Microsoft Outlook or via a web-based interface. (MacMail will be based on the Exchange system that the Faculty of Health Sciences already uses. Faculty of Health Science Users already on Exchange will not need to switch.)
McMaster employees often receive malicious “phishing” email messages purporting to be from “IT” and suggesting that, due to an email upgrade, the recipient needs to follow a link and submit their personal information. These are fake messages. All message related to this project will only direct users to “mcmaster.ca” web addresses.