Mosaic revises launch dates

Timing is everything goes the old truism and it holds true for Mosaic, which has just re-evaluated its launch schedule.

With the launch of the HR system on October 20 and the launch of the undergraduate admissions in November, the Mosaic team has rescheduled some components of the project. Specifically Mosaic will shift the launch of the new employee recruitment system to the beginning of December and the shift the graduate student application system to early next year.

While the recruitment module is moving only few weeks, the interval will allow extra time to finalize development, conduct additional user acceptance testing and to train end users, such as recruitment administrators and hiring managers. Training on the employee recruitment system will now begin the last week of November.

The current recruitment system, MacTrac will continue to be used until December. As a result of this switch, a revised Schedule of HR Transition Dates has been released.  Refer to this document to schedule job postings and hiring activities in from mid-November through January.

Deployment of the new graduate student application tool is being rescheduled until the new year due to resource constraints. The undergraduate admissions module is still targeted for its original launch date this November.