Apply for MacServe service-learning trips now

MacServe Engage is a local, national or international multi-week experience that takes place in May. It challenges participants to live in, learn about and critically evaluate issues in a host community. As a result, participants gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their communities through service experience, cultural workshops and reflection. MacServe Engage differs from other MacServe experiences because it encourages participants to create a deep connection with a community; to learn about challenges that a community has faced and is facing, as well as the successes and opportunities within the community.

This year, students are travelling to:

• Boruca, Costa Rica to perform service work at a school in the community

• Manitoulin Island for a cultural exchange with a First Nations community

• Hamilton to work with Habitat for Humanity Hamilton and explore Hamilton’s history and heritage

More information on each community experience can be found here.

Apply for MacServe Engage on OSCARplus by Feb. 3, 2014.

Information sessions are taking place:

·         Jan. 22 – 1:30-2:30 pm, Student Success Centre

·         Jan. 23 – 10:30-11:30 am, Student Success Centre

·         Jan. 28 – 1:30-2:30 pm, Student Success Centre