Celebrating a quarter century of memories
Left to right: Roger Couldrey, John Kelton, Mary Kiriakopoulos, Anna Mitevski and Patrick Deane toast to Kiriakopoulos's induction into the Quarter Century Club, along with 143 other McMaster employees and faculty.
On Tuesday evening, McMaster welcomed 144 new members to its prestigious Quarter Century Club.
The honour recognizes employees and faculty who have achieved 25 years of service with the University. The new inductees were hailed at a celebratory dinner on campus hosted by McMaster President Patrick Deane, and received a wonderful gift to mark their years of service.
“It is the continued commitment of individuals like yourselves who, in the execution of their daily tasks, give form and shape to the vision and mission of McMaster,” said Deane during Tuesday’s ceremony.
“It is therefore my sincere pleasure to extend my congratulations to you all and, on behalf of the University community, to acknowledge our appreciation for your long and dedicated service to McMaster.”
Click here to view the full list of this year’s Quarter Century Club inductees.