Tribunal issues public report

The Tribunal formed under the University’s Anti-Discrimination Policy   has now completed its work.

The Tribunal, which in an interim statement in March of 2013 indicated that it had been established to adjudicate complaints filed by some individuals associated with the DeGroote School of Business, was created under the policy as a panel of academic peers.  It has worked over the last two years hearing from over 65 witnesses during more than 225 hours of testimony in a complex interweaving of multiple cases under one hearing.  As required by the policy, the Tribunal’s work was conducted under a strict confidentiality agreement.

The Tribunal public report can be found here.

The Tribunal includes orders and recommendations for action by the University to sanction those found in violation of the Anti-Discrimination policy.  The recommendations include severe and lengthy suspensions, written reprimands, and prohibitions from holding positions of authority within the University.  The full remedy recommendations have been delivered to all of the parties.  Under the policy, the president is responsible for the implementation of the recommendations.