Gender, Art, and Expression

McMaster Museum of Art

03/11/2023, 12:00 pm - TO 03/11/2023 - 1:00 pm

Organizer: McMaster Library

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Join McMaster Museum of Art education staff for a lunchtime behind-the-scenes tour of selected artworks from the M(M)A collection that complement exploration of gender and justice in art and museum practices.

Register for the event here

Photo by Georgia Kirkos, McMaster University

Transformative Stories: Year of Gender and Justice is presented by McMaster University Library in collaboration with campus and community partners and will feature a lineup of free, public programming from fall 2023 through summer 2024. The series is part of McMaster University Library’s biannual “Year of” celebrations, which are aimed at highlighting the library’s unique collections, resources, and expertise and emphasizing its vital role in supporting the research, teaching, and learning mission of the university.