Thank you for supporting McMaster’s Day of Giving
McMaster’s inaugural Day of Giving has raised more than $2.8 million and engaged 1,220 members of the university community through giving and participation in events.
McMaster’s inaugural Day of Giving has raised more than $2.8 million and engaged 1,220 members of the university community through giving and participation in events.
A one-day, university-wide fundraising campaign, the Day of Giving focused on supporting Black student excellence, Indigenous priorities and equity-deserving communities at McMaster, and was inspired by the university’s deep, ongoing commitment to inclusive excellence.
“I sincerely thank all those across the McMaster community who supported Day of Giving and contributed to its success,” says McMaster President David Farrar.
“I also want to recognize the work of the many faculty, staff and students belonging to Black, Indigenous and equity-deserving communities on campus whose insights and contributions were so instrumental in developing and supporting this important initiative.”
Gifts in support of Day of Giving are still being accepted and can be directed to several different funds, including the Black Student Excellence, Indigenous Priorities or Inclusive Excellence funds, as well as a number of priority funds identified by individual areas and Faculties across campus.
Day of Giving was developed in partnership with the African and Caribbean Faculty Association of McMaster, the Black Student Success Centre, the Indigenous Education Council, Indigenous Student Services, and the Equity and Inclusion Office and builds in the exceptional work and programming already taking place across McMaster.