Posted on Jan. 20: Pilot testing of new job evaluation tool to begin


The Joint Job Evaluation Steering Committee (JJESC), established by McMaster University and the McMaster University Staff Association (MUSA), has been working on the development of a new job evaluation tool for positions in the MUSA bargaining unit. The implementation of the new system is scheduled for June 16, 2005.

Development of the tool has progressed to the pilot test phase. The JJESC has selected about 40 jobs from within the bargaining unit that will be evaluated in this pilot test. Jobs were selected to ensure the pilot includes a representative sample of the types of jobs found in the bargaining unit.

Over the next two weeks, employees in the selected jobs and their supervisors will be contacted regarding their participation and involvement in the pilot study and will be provided with the materials necessary to participate in this study.

The pilot test is a crucial step in the development of a new job evaluation plan. This process will test the suitability of the tool, allow the JJESC to assess how it is working and ensure it is capable of evaluating the diverse types of jobs that exist in the MUSA bargaining unit. Results of the pilot test and feedback from participants will provide the JJESC with the opportunity to refine the process and finalize the tool. Following the pilot all MUSA jobs will be evaluated using the new tool.

For further information about this endeavour and to view recently added FAQs, refer to the following Web sites:

If you have questions, e-mail The Joint Job Evaluation Steering Committee.