Posted on Jan. 21: Planning for new athletics & recreation facility begins

The planning committee for the new Athletics and Recreation Sport Multi-plex is inviting interested members of the McMaster community to apply for positions on the user group/functional planning teams.
These teams will provide the proposed programming and functional use of the space (within the planning guidelines) to assist in the facility design and master facility planning process.
The committee is particularly interested in applications from McMaster students as each committee will have at least 50 per cent student representation. Expected time commitment is 15 20 hours during the weeks of Feb. 2-9, 2004.
In addition to receiving feedback from user group teams, the planning committee will host an open house later in the planning phase to view initial facility designs. The planning committee will also be seeking input for the functional plans through a Web site. The Web site details will be announced in the next few weeks.
For more information on the application process (deadline to apply is Jan. 26), contact Debbie Marinoff Shupe at