Posted on Jan. 21: Year of the Monkey celebrated at Chinese New Year exhibit

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Lion Dance”]The McMaster University Chinese Students' Association (CSA) held its second annual Chinese New Year exhibition in the McMaster University Student Centre Wednesday.
Last year's exhibition was a great success and allowed the McMaster community to get a taste of Chinese culture while celebrating the Chinese New Year. This year marks McMaster CSA's 37th year of serving the McMaster Chinese community as well as promoting the Chinese culture to students, faculty and staff across campus.
For the Year of the Monkey, CSA once again presented an exhibition to the McMaster community, showcasing some traditional Chinese New Year food, games and martial arts performances as well as the colourful lion dance.
This year's guests of honour included McMaster University President Peter George and professor Luke Chan, associate vice president, Office of International Affairs. They performed the traditional eye dotting ceremony to awaken the spirits of the lions before the start of the lion dance.
The McMaster CSA is a non-profit organization that acts as a medium to promoting and conserving the Chinese culture in Canadian society. McMaster CSA was established in 1967. It now has more than 500 active members with one of the larger club memberships on campus.
A photo from last year's lion dance at the annual Chinese New Year exhibition in the McMaster University Student Centre. Photo credit: Chantall Van Raay