President’s Advisory Committee on Community Relations


  • To evaluate and improve upon the role of McMaster University as a neighbourhood shopparajumpers partner in the Hamilton community
  • To act as an open and visible means for continuing community liaison to maintain and improve relations between the University and its neighbouring community
  • To identify areas of common interest and concern between major University activities and the community, and to develop proposals for action to promote cooperation and mutual understanding.
  • shopparajumpers

Committee Members

Administrative contact: Gord Arbeau, Director, Public and Community Relations
(905) 525-9140 ext. 27305

Neighbourhood Representatives

Doug Anderson, Neighbour and Landlord

Vinnie Welsh, Neighbour 

Ali Sabourin, Neighbour 

Jay Parlar (Co-Chair) President, Ainslie Wood/Westdale Community Association (AWWCA)

Paul Martindale, Landlord

Westdale Business Improvement Association (WBIA) Representatives

Marie-Louise Kallsen

Student Representatives

President, Society of Off-Campus Students (SOCS)  

David Campbell, President, McMaster Students Union (MSU)  shopparajumpers

Josh Patel Director, Student Community Support Network (SCSN) 

City of Hamilton Representatives

Brian McHattie, Ward 1 City Councillor 

Dale Brown, Councillor’s Office

Sgt. Gino Ciarmoli, Westdale Crime Manager, Hamilton Police Services

University Representatives

Daniel Goldreich, McMaster University Faculty Association (MUFA) 

Jennifer Kleven, Manager, Off-Campus Resource Centre (OCRC)   

Terry Sullivan, Director, Security and Parking Services

Mary Koziol, Office of the President

Mary Williams (Co-Chair) Vice-President, University Advancement

Sean VanKoughnett, Dean of Students