Students spend Reading Week working in Deep South


McMaster students headed south for Reading Week to work in New Orleans, Louisiana and Moss Point, Mississippi as part of MacServe. The program provides service to local agencies while teaching students about local culture.

A group of McMaster students spent Reading Week on the U.S. Gulf Coast.

The group travelled south of the border as part of a series of service learning trips known as MacServe. The series is meant to provide service to local agencies while introducing students to new cultures and ideas.

The group in the U.S. has been working in New Orleans, helping to rebuild homes destroyed by 2005’s Hurricane Katrina. The students also travelled to Moss Point, Mississippi, to work at the Pascagoula River Audubon Center.

Their work was featured as part of a news segment broadcast on WLOX. Watch the video below.

Other student groups travelled to the Dominican Republic, Vancouver, Montreal and downtown Hamilton. – The News for South Mississippi