Facebook connection inspires rare recital at McMaster


Thanks to a chance conversation on Facebook Chat, a world-class baritone will travel to
McMaster from Spain for an intimate summer recital on Aug. 11.

Leo Paul Chiarot is a McMaster graduate in music history and theory who has gone on to
study in Milan and Barcelona, where he is currently a member of the Opera Chorus of
the Gran Teatre del Liceu.

He was browsing the McMaster Alumni Association Facebook page one day and noticed
that the alumni social media coordinator was logged on to the chat function. Knowing
that he would be in Hamilton in August for other engagements, Chiarot started up a
conversation and shared his story.

“He asked if there were any summer events that he could take part in – so we created
one!” said alumni officer Amber Stuckey.

The performance will take place Aug. 11 at 7 p.m. in the Great Hall of Alumni Memorial
Hall (Faculty Club). Guests will enjoy a program of Handel, Faure, Beethoven, Bernstein,
Tosti and more. Chiarot will be accompanied on piano by fellow McMaster alumnus
Sabatino Vacca.

The recital is just one of several events presented as part of the Alumni Association's
summer programming. On July 28, alumni are invited to the McMaster Museum of Art
for a guided tour and discussion of the By Design & By Chance exhibit featuring local
artist John Miecznikowski. On Aug. 12, Westfield Heritage Village will host an exclusive
McMaster alumni night that will feature a spooky ghost tour at twilight.

For more information on these and other alumni events, visit the Alumni Association