Pedestrian crosswalk pilot project is a go

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Brand new in-street crossing signs, seen here outside of the MUSC”]As a pedestrian-friendly campus, Security & Parking Services recognizes the need for continued improvements to student, staff and traffic safety at McMaster.
Over the past year, the department has worked toward enhanced roadway safety at various locations throughout campus. New measures include: elevated crosswalks near the Student Centre loading dock (to delineate pedestrians and vehicles), parking lot perimeter fencing to guide pedestrians, and raised and marked crosswalks with stop signs to maximize safety.
The most recent initiative is a pilot project involving in-street pedestrian crossing signs, which have been placed at crosswalk locations near the MUSC, the Institute for Applied Heath Sciences and the Psychology Building. These bright yellow signs will remind drivers to be alert at busy crossings, and help maintain safety on campus roads.
Please take note of the new signs, and always use caution when operating a vehicle on campus.