New dean of students to join McMaster this summer

Sean Van Koughnett, the University's new associate vice-president, Students and Learning and dean of Students, arrives at McMaster from the University of Waterloo where he has been the inaugural director of its Student Success Office.
Ensuring McMaster students have the support they need to be successful will be the focus for Sean Van Koughnett when he joins McMaster August 12 as the University’s new associate vice-president, Students and Learning and dean of Students.
“Sean has a deep understanding of the principles that guide student experience and learning in higher education and the collaborative approach needed to execute the ambitious vision McMaster has for these critical areas,” said provost and vice-president, Academic David Wilkinson.
Van Koughnett arrives at McMaster from the University of Waterloo where he has been the inaugural director of its Student Success Office. Previously, he was the founding director of VeloCity, an experimental, interdisciplinary and self-directed model for student learning focused on entrepreneurship. He also served as the University’s assistant registrar.
“It is a privilege to have this opportunity to help shape and support our students’ development and success,” said Van Koughnett. “President Deane’s vision in Forward with Integrity is inspirational; in particular what resonates for me is his roadmap for providing an engaging student experience, both inside the classroom and beyond. I aim to build on the strong foundation already in place and look forward to serving McMaster and our students, faculty and staff at such a pivotal and exciting time.”
Van Koughett graduated with both his undergraduate and master’s degrees from the University of Waterloo. He was inducted into the University’s Athletics Hall of Fame and was named CIS rookie-of-the year during his years on the basketball team.
The AVP Students and Learning and dean of Students will focus on student development and the many support services offered through the Office of the Registrar, Enrolment Services, the Student Success Centre, Housing and Conference Services, and Athletics and Recreation.
Late last year the provost announced plans to refocus the AVP roles within his office to create more focus on students and to support faculty in their roles as educators. With the three reformulated positions and the appointments of Van Koughett as AVP Students and Learning, Susan Searls Giroux as AVP Faculty and Arshad Ahmad as the AVP Teaching and Learning now complete, the provost says he’s looking forward to working with all three appointees to build a team that will enable McMaster to move to new heights in the support of the research-centred, student-focused mission outlined in Forward with Integrity.