Macedonian president gives lecture, signs memorandum with McMaster

Gjorge Ivanov (left), President of the Republic of Macedonia, meets with McMaster President Patrick Deane (right) and Hamilton Mayor Bob Bratina (far right) outside of University Hall.
Gjorge Ivanov, President of the Republic of Macedonia, visited Hamilton Friday (April 19), where the noted academic’s activities included signing a memorandum of understanding with McMaster University, delivering a special lecture on multiculturalism and meeting Hamilton Mayor Bob Bratina.
Ivanov is a professor at Sts. Cyril and Methodius University, the top-ranked university in Macedonia, and is recognized as an expert in civil society. His visit was organized by McMaster faculty members Alexandre Sevigny and Violetta Igneski, both of Macedonian origin.
Ivanov addressed a standing-room-only audience of about 150 at the Hamilton Club, where he talked about Macedonia’s success in developing a multicultural policy that has allowed the Balkan country to build an inclusive multi-ethnic state.
Sevigny, who acted as master of ceremonies for the lecture, described the audience as a blend of Hamiltonians of Macedonian descent and members of the McMaster community.
Officials from McMaster and Sts. Cyril and Methodius universities signed a memorandum of understanding to explore potential collaborations.