Ice road recruiters

ice road

Communities along James Bay in Ontario's far north are accessible by seasonal ice roads like this one, between Attawapiskat, Fort Albany and Moosonee.

Aboriginal student recruitment officer Jennie Anderson brought a little McMaster to a handful of isolated communities in Ontario’s far north last week.

Anderson was part of a group of college and university recruiters who travelled more than 1,000 km to the west coast of James Bay. The collective met with students in Moose Factory, Moosonee, Fort Albany, Kashechewan and Attawapiskat.

The communities are accessible during the winter thanks to ice roads, which the recruiters used to travel between the towns.

“We were there to help students plan their education pathways,” said Anderson. “As recruiters, our job is to help them envision what it will be like if they continue into post-secondary education. We give them next steps, information and personal insights.”

The recruiters captured the trip in a series of photos, below.

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