Fall edition of McMaster Times now available online

The Fall 2013 edition of the McMaster Times is hot off the press and landing in alumni mailboxes this week. Published twice per year, the magazine includes a broad selection of campus news, research updates, alumni milestones and more. Check out some of the featured stories in the latest issue, and browse the full edition below:
COVER: Liberal Arts — Which Way to Turn?
Should we turn away from the liberal arts? That would be a critical mistake, says a group of McMaster alumni who credit studies in the humanities and social sciences as being the critical foundation in their multi-faceted career paths. The Times spoke to this eclectic group who are thoughtful and articulate defenders of their own educational paths.
Our Next Chancellor
Suzanne Labarge grew up in Ottawa in a family with deep ties to the University. The retired vice-chair of the Royal Bank of Canada is a dedicated McMaster alumna, supporter and volunteer.
Colouring Outside the Lines
The McMaster Museum of Art has opened its doors to students from all disciplines — including Health Sciences, Science and Engineering — and stands as one of the University’s most innovative teaching and learning resources.
Things That Go Bump in the Brain
A multidisciplinary team of top McMaster researchers has come together on campus to advance our understanding of brain injuries and concussion.
McMaster Writes, a popular feature in the Times alumni magazine, has been moved to a new home on the Daily News. Check out the latest group of alumni authors here.