Faculty of Business celebrates the graduating class of 2013

If these walls could talk. More than 575 Business students from all levels will celebrate their graduation from McMaster on Monday. The ceremony takes place at 2:30 p.m. at Hamilton Place.
Friends, family and faculty will look on with pride Monday afternoon as undergraduate, MBA and PhD students graduate from the Faculty of Business.
More than 575 total Business students will take part in the convocation — including 181 students who will receive their MBAs, and 394 students who will receive their Bachelor of Commerce degrees (including Honours). They’ll be joined by Doctor of Laws, Mario Cupido, who will receive an honorary degree at the 2:30 p.m. ceremony.
Cupido has been a member of the realty associations of Hamilton/Burlington and Canada since 1959, serving as director, vice-president and president. He has served on the boards of Hamilton Good Shepherd Centre, St.Joseph’s Health Care Foundation and helped establish the Hamilton Sports Hall of Fame.
The Faculty of Business Convocation ceremony will take place Monday, June 10. For those attending the ceremony, don’t forget to submit some words of wisdom to the McMaster Good Advice Project.